Looking back at our incredibly sophisticated PowerPoint drawing, we see a basic concept of a SDW, but this is far from an engineering drawing. And, unfortunately, I was a business major and not an engineering major. Huge gap right there when it comes to designing and fabricating a Mars rover. Poor Bob has a big strike against him even before he meets Matt Damon and the Poop Potato Farm.
Having zero training in anything like engineering, as a business major I must approach the project like Microsoft does. First announce a new revolutionary new product to the world. And, we have done that with the earlier introduction of Bob Rover/Rover Bob (Bob) and like MSFT, we will simply start building shit and throwing that shit against the wall. Of course you and I know that at some point something, most likely shit, will stick to that wall and for reasons that totally escape me, we can call that a success. Unless, that shit hits the fan a that implies failure.
- To recap: Throwing shit against the wall until something sticks is success. Hitting a fan with shit is failure. Note to self. Put fan in garage.
Time to regain focus here Grasshopper. In NASA speak, we are talking building a mock up. For me, and like Microsoft, we are most likely talking about a succession of mock ups. One friggin mock up after another. Deep in the Wailer Skunk Works we call useless mock ups Focked Up. Used in a sentence. ‘Version 2.1 is a Fock Up Mock Up (FUMU)’. Not to be confused with that Jimmy Buffet rum drink.
But Wait!! What Do We Have Here? |
Maybe a not-so-FUMU.
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